Welcome To Devis Surgico

We are a foremost Bio-medical waste management company, committed to the environment.

Devis surgico is a well known company of common bio-medical waste collection & disposal facility with full complain of legal requirement. Our CBWTFs are working with skilled workers and managerial staff. At present company is working in Gwalior and covered several districts.

Training and Education

CBWTFS under the biomedical waste management handling rules 2016 as per the law every waste generators should be trained for waste segregation and adequate compliance of law, our company is also authorized for providing the training to educate the waste generators on demand of HCF on payment.

Company Profile

BMW waste collection
Reception & Barcode scanning
Primary treatment

Our Services

Chargeless forms for registration of membership in CBWTFs are also provided by us to every H.C.F We facilitate GPS attached vehicle, through which it get easily tracked as well as convenient for our customers . More over, our automobiles also contribute in giving best of their services timely. Our company issue barcode services to every H.C.F, pathology, blood bank and clinic etc. So, that it get easier to co-ordinate the waste data and also helps in enabling to grasp information. We also supply other utilizing stuffs on nominal prices to H.C.F . such as,

Services & Solutions

we offer professional bio-medical waste management solutions & quality control for all other biomedical waste generators.

Waste Collection

The collection of bio-medical waste involves use of types of container like (yellow), (red), (blue), (white) from various sources of bio-medical waste or hospital waste like operation theatre, laboratory, wards, blood banks , clinic etc. The containers / bins should be placed in such a way that 100% collection is achieved.


Our company take all necessary steps to ensure that bio-medical waste is handled without any adverse effect to human health and environment. we make a provision within the premises for a safe , ventilated and secured location for storage of segregated bio-medical waste.

Quality Audits

This point shows that the waste management accurately assessed the amount of different kind of waste being generated in the city and drafted a policy on waste management, which focused on waste minimization and waste reduction, as compared to waste disposal,solid waste and plastic waste.


since 2006 ,Devis surgico organization in bio-medical management field persistently under all the rules & regulations of ministry of environment forest and climate changes in india.

Biomedical Waste Types

Remember that your hospital will remain clean and the environment around you will be pollution free only after sorting the garbage by the following method. Do no mix household waste with biomedical waste. [attached photo of segregated chart of company

Red ( लाल बाल्टी में लाल रंग की नॉनक्लोरिनेटिड प्लास्टिक बेग लगाकर कचरा डाले )

Infected Plastics Syringes, Gloves & Plastic Waste.

डिस्पोजेबल आयटम्स, जैसे- ट्यूब, बोटल, इण्डरवीनसटयूब, स्लाइनसेट, कैथेटर, यूरिनबेग, सीरीज (बिना निडिल की) ग्लब्स आदि डिस्पोजेबल आयटम्स, जैसे - ट्यूब, बोटल, इण्डरवीनस टयूब, स्लाइन सेट, कैथेटर, यूरिन बेग, सीरीज (बिना निडिल की) ग्लब्स आदि ।

Yellow ( पीली बाल्टी में पीले रंग की नॉन क्लोरीनेटिड प्लास्टिक बेग लगाकर कचरा डाले )

Infected Waste Laboratory Waste Expired & Discarded Medicines.

कटे मानव अंग एवं टिषू, भ्रूण, पट्टियाँ, कॉटन स्व, रूई, प्लास्टर एवं रक्त से सनी हुई ड्रेसिंग मटेरियल, जानवरों के अंग, से सनी चादर व गददे, ब्लड बैग, लेबोरेट्री कल्चर, टेस्ट, स्पेसीमेन माइक्रो ऑर्गेनिक्स, मनाव व जानवरों के सेल एवं कल्चर टेस्ट की वेस्ट आदि ।

Blue ( नीली बाल्टी/नीले कार्डबोर्ड बॉक्स में कचरा डाले )

Glassware Antibiotic Vials, Metallic Implants, Glassware Material Expect Cytotoxic.

डिस्कार्डिड और कन्टामिनेटिव ग्लास दवाईयों की कॉच की वाइलें, प्लास्टिक के एम्प्यूल्स साइट्रोटोकसिक वेस्ट के साथ, मेटालिक बॉडी इम्प्लान्ट्स आदि ।

White ( पंचर प्रूफ सफेद (पारदर्षी) कंटेनर में कचरा डाले )

Sharps Needles & Cut Glasses

फिक्स्ड निडिल, निडिल के टिप, कटर, बर्नर, स्केल्पस, ब्लेड्स व षार्प वेस्ट आदि ।

Circular Economy


Recycling of plastics is undoubtly a solution to solve the crisis of plastic solution

White category of biomedical waste are autoclaving and sheddring through autoclave and shedder, after the disinfect of biomedical plastic waste recycling is possible only through proper coordination between health care sector and recycling industries as per the norms of central pollution control board [CPCB].

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Khasrai NO- 166, Khurai beena road gram hafsili sagar (m.p.)

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